Essential Web Sites - (not including Google, YouTube and Wikipedia) - just what it says, with diagrams and simple explanations. - THE database for movies and television. You will never again have to say, “What was that guy’s name? You know, the one that was in…” - The best website for debunking urban legends, stupid email forwards and tons of other misinformation. Check here before you hit the forward button. - The Internet Archive, a massive online repository of stuff. It can be broken in to five sections. 1. The Wayback Machine allows you to search for a website and a certain date and it will show you (within reason) what that website looked like on that date. 2. Moving Images holds over a quarter of a million public domain short films. 3. Live Music Archive holds about 71,000 live downloadable concerts including the live archive of The Grateful Dead. 4. Audio contains almost half a million recordings including audio books, music, lectures, podcasts and more. 5. Finally, Texts contains close to two million text files including many pieces of literature now in public domain. These include everything from classics to textbooks to children’s literature. Amazing! - One web page with links to most every major website you’ll need. - TED is well-known for its annual, invitation-only conference devoted to "ideas worth spreading" and for its lectures, known as TED Talks, which originally focused on technology, entertainment and design, but have now expanded in scope to a broad set of topics including science, arts, politics, education, culture, business, global issues, technology and development. Now all these talks are available on this website. - Create a free wikipage that any of your invited friends can alter and share. - Instructions on how to make almost anything. A great website at which you can spend some time just looking or you can get started on a fun project. - Help with math and science homework in short, easy videos. Awesome! – M.I.T. courses online, for free!!!                                                                       

Just for science… – will tell you just when you can look up and see the space station or the shuttle fly by as well as communications satellites. - is the “Astronomy Picture of the Day” website. It’s always interesting and often worth making into a wallpaper for your desktop. - is a registry of federally and privately supported clinical trials conducted in the United States and around the world. gives you information about a trial's purpose, who may participate, locations, and phone numbers for more details. Science news on the “next big thing”. - Great deals on sciency stuff. Build that giant robot with surplus parts at bargain prices.


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