Those of you who know me know I am quite the music fan and have been lucky enough to see many, many live acts over the years. The Stones have always eluded me. Mostly due to the eye watering cost of the tickets. They have long been on Mrs. Boch’s bucket list as well. I finally agreed to spend the money a few years ago and then COVID happened and the show was canceled. This year our kids went together and purchased the tickets for our birthdays. We had great seats.
Wow! All I can say is 80-year-old guys should not be so energetic. It was an amazing show. Some bands you go to see for their technical skill and musicianship. The Stones are not that type of band. As you can see in the video below, mistakes were made. Mick clearly blows his cue to start singing. It just doesn’t matter. It’s the Stones. It was sort of a Rock-and-Roll religious experience.