So it begins…

Yesterday came word that internal memos form the Trump administration instructed several government sponsored science groups cease all communication temporarily, including website updates and press releases. Today, this…
Trump administration’s abrupt cancellation of scientific meetings prompts confusion, concern

Do not forget that this man’s most fervent supporters are vehemently anti-science, and as a populist, he will give them what they want.

Oxygen from the Ocean

Okay, this could be a real game changer. People have been talking about mining manganese nodules (metal nodules made from a number of rare metals) from the bottom of the ocean floor since I was in elementary school. Just as the technology is being developed we discover this…

Oxygen discovery defies knowledge of the deep ocean

If this is true, mining these nodules could be another heavy straw on the camel’s back as far as the ocean is concerned. Our world ocean is already stressed to the breaking point.

New Material From NASA’s Glenn Center

This is awesome news. 3D printed metals have the capacity to change so much. Just another reason why NASA’s Glenn Research center is an awesome part of NE Ohio! Ignore the talking heads at the end. Why does every local news station think I want to listen to the anchor’s opinions on each story? Please just shut up and read the news.