Welcome to Quarantine Class!

Google Classroom has been set up for all sections that Mr. Boch teaches. An invitation to join your respective class has been sent to your school email. Below are the class codes in case that did not work.
EPS 1st period – utl55vb
EPS 2nd period – s2v5ptl
Dynamic Earth (all sections) – 6cchwk3

– You are required to complete all assigned work by the Friday of the first week we return. But it can be turned in through Google classroom whenever you finish. I’d get it done and not have a pile of work when you return if I were you.

– I will post assignments for each week by Monday afternoon and check both the classroom and my school email at least twice daily during the weekdays.

EPS– Please make sure to send me your Google Slide presentation of you quarter projects so I can complete grades for this quarter.

Best of luck! Remember: social distance and wash your hands!

Blizzard Bag Assignment

Here it is, any future such assignments will be posted here.

Blizzard Bag Lesson for Dynamic Earth

Go to the following Web sites from USA Today. Look at the graphic of Seasons and of Doppler Radar and complete the questions that follow. Turn the assignment in when we return to school.



Blizzard Bag Lesson for Earth / Physical Science

Instructor Chris Boch

Go to The Physical Science section of howstuffworks.com


Pick one of the articles, read it and write a one-page review, telling me about the article, what you learned and how you felt about it (was it well written, was it boring, etc.) Turn the assignment in when we return to school.

What Happens When…

You fire a soccer ball at 50 mph out of the back of a pick-up truck doing 50 mph? I explain this each year in E.P.S. but now, thanks to Mythbusters, you can see for yourself.


To the observer on the side of the road, it appears as though the ball just drops, and it does, relative to that observer.


Okay, this makes me mad.

Quarter of Americans Convinced Sun Revolves Around Earth, Survey Finds

This year marks 45 years since we put a human on the Moon, and 54 years since the first human orbited the Earth. How is this possible? In all my years of teaching, I have NEVER met a kid who thought the Sun went around the Earth, not one. Frankly, I doubt I’ve met many adults who thought that either (and like most folks, I’ve met some really dumb people). Anyone who doesn’t understand how the Earth orbits probably can’t blame it on our educational system. Certainly not in a state like Ohio where it has been taught since long before I was born. This is ignorance by choice.

The original press release is here…

Survey: Americans struggle with science; respect scientists